
Showing posts from December, 2017

Williamson-like critique

Reflection on blogging: I must say that it has been a great learning experience writing all the blog poss. Prior to this class, I didn't own a blogging account, either have I ever written a blog post. In the past,  my friend had asked me to feature on her blog. She blogs about the different food she has eaten in the different countries she has visited. So, she wanted me to write a post about how to make this famous Nigerian stew called Ayamashe. I told her I was not sure I wanted to publish something where all her followers were going to have access to, so I kept sliding the conversation till she stopped asking. This has changed because I am more confident about writing, and I wouldn't mind sharing my writing for her follower to read. I am going to surprise her before the end of the year (After finals!!!), and send her my submission so she can post it on her blog. Like they say, practice makes perfect! I hope to challenge myself to read more and keep writing. Thi...

Triangle Principal Agent Model

From observation, I can confidently conclude that the triangle principal agent often causes a dilemma. The service provider is usually the agent in a principal-agent relationship. It is the expectation of the agent to conform to what the principal wants, and most times the principal delegate's authority to the agent to perform some service on its behalf. My example of the triangle approach is from witnessing others experience it. Like I have mentioned in a couple of my previous posts, I was a student ambassador at my previous school where I worked closely with the admission team to ensure that student registration went smoothly. In a school setting or even in the corporate world, there are almost always two principals. The first principle is from the executive level who makes most of the decisions on how the school or company should operate, and the second principal is the customers or clients who are getting the services. The agent is the service provider that interacts wit...